Monday, March 12, 2012

Democratic Party 101

For the first four scores of this country, (that's 80 years for you Democrats) we had two Political Parties; The Whig Party and The Democratic Party.

Now, neither of these two Parties wanted to do anything to end slavery. The Democrats and Whigs were comfortable, drinking tea in the shade while slaves were in chains doing all of their hard work in the fields.

Finally, The Republican Party was formed, to end slavery. The people up North and in the Mid-West elected the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln.

The Civil War was fought between the Republican North and the Democratic South. Democrats had taken up arms against their fellow countrymen, because they would rather fight than get their hands dirty working.

When the Democrats lost the war, they were so upset, they started The Ku Klux Klan. The Klan was started by a leading Democrat by the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Democratic Politicians forced the Jim Crow Laws off on the whole country. And while trying to get along, Republicans allowed it for a time.

In 1947, during the Democratic National Convention, many Democrats got up and stormed out of the convention because it was time for Civil Rights in America.

We venture now into the time period I have lived.

When I was a child, many drinking fountains were marked, "For Whites Only." Black folks were allowed to ride the bus, but they had to ride in the back of the bus. Many insulting things like this were just a part of normal everyday life. They were the Jim Crow Laws still in effect.

One of the Greatest Americans stepped forward at this time in history. A man by the name of Martin Luther King Jr..

The Democrats hated Martin Luther King Jr., they tapped his phone lines, put out propaganda that he was a womanizer, a communist and a dangerous man.

Eventually, a Democratic Ku Klux Klan sympathizer murdered Dr. King..

Many things took place around this time period. The Democratic Governor of Alabama, George Wallace stood in the doorway of The University of Alabama and would not let Blacks enter.

Democratic President John F. Kennedy followed the example set by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower and ordered the Military to remove Wallace from the doorway and allow Blacks to enter. President Eisenhower had did this back in 1957.

Today, we have a Democratic Party that works hard to keep minorities down and in debt to the Democratic Party.

"Vote for us Democrats, or those evil Republicans are gonna make you get a job and go to work! We'll keep giving you entitlements if you just keep electing us!"

The Democratic Party has never cared about minorities or women...except for their vote.

Look at the evil things you've heard Democrats say about people of color like Colin Powell, Alan Keyes, Herman Cain and many others. Look at the evil things Democrats have said about women like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Laura Bush.

Democrats don't care about anyone or anything...but their Democratic Progressive Marxist Agenda.

I am a Republican. On your way out of the classroom, the drinking fountain is on the right hand side. Everyone is welcome to use it. Thank you.

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